Saturday, March 27, 2010

Easter Card

This is the Easter card I made for the shut-in members of our church. It is 8.5 " by 5.5" to make it big enough for the congregation to sign. Card base is Gina K heavy base weight pure white luxury CS. I used a stencil from SU and sponged Certainly Celery, Tempting Turquoise, and Lavender Lace for the flowers. I used my new Embosslits butterfly die from SU on some retired DP and sanded the raised part. I used a Nestie die (the one that looks like an open book, sorry, can't remember which number it is) as a stencil and sponged inside it, then stamped my ODBD Bible verse, Galatians 2:20, inside the sponged area. On the inside is Happy Easter from retired SU set All Year Cheer 1. Posted by PicasaHope you all enjoyed this card--thanks for looking!


Susan said...

I absolutely LOVE all of the sponging on the stenciling. It's gorgeous! I've always wanted to make a card that size but was too afraid of what I'd do with all of that space. You did a wonderful job!!

Banu said...

Amy, what a beautiful card. you did an awesome job with the stenciling..Maybe you can give us some tips when you have time to catch some breath. :)

Angela said...

This is beautiful! Love the sponging and how you have used the butterflys! (I am waiting on my butterfly die to come!)

Chris said...

this is gorgeous!! love the stenciling!

Becca said...

That stenciling looks fabulous. I don't think I'd have the patience for it, but the end result is great! I love the cheerful colors. I am sure the shut-ins will really appreciate it!

Jen said... Amy...that stenciling is worth the time...this is beautiful!


Your Easter card turned out great.
Your color combo and design are wonderful.