Saturday, March 6, 2010

Man Card # 1--Birthday

I'm in a swap over on SplitCoast with some of my PTI swapper friends. We are swapping MAN cards. A lot of people have trouble making masculine cards; not me. I think it's because I have so many brothers. I am attracted to "masculine" images like trees, lighthouses, trains, ships, etc. If you truly have difficulty with "man cards", Becky Oehlers has a post about it HERE with some good advice.

On this card I used a stamp from ODBD called Keep My Lamp Burning. You can find it HERE. I love the collagey feel of this stamp. I looked over the gallery at ODBD and there were several cards that utilized the glow of the light. I tried to figure out how they did it and the best I could come up with is LOTS of masking. So that's what I did. First I punched a hole in a piece of notepad type paper. I used that as a reverse mask and sponged So Saffron ink on my CS. Then I stamped the lighthouse image in Palette Noir Ink. Then I made a mask of the light house and used the circle punched out of my original reverse mask and brayered over the whole thing with Elegant Eggplant and Not Quite Navy. Card base is Sahara Sand, stamped in S. S. with the Canvas BG stamp. Image is mounted on NQN. Eyelets are Bordering Blue (ret.) and rope trim is SU (also ret.) I distressed the edges on the focal image. This card is extremely lumpy because of the knot and would require extra postage and hand canceling if you mailed it. I had such a great time making this card--hope whoever gets one likes it. Thanks for stopping by!
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Susan said...

What a great card!! I love that "rope" you used. And the image is terrific. Your hard work paid off with all of that masking, looks really nice!!! I hope I'm a lucky recipient. :)

Angela said...

This looks great Amy! The eggplant/navy combo looks super and I love your knot!

Becca said...

This is fantastic!!! Such an awesome guy card, although I know many female recipients who wouldn't complain about this at all. The masking sounds so time-consuming, but it was definitely worth all the work.

Banu said...

WOW Amy, this card is just stunning. All that hard work with Masking truly paid off...Way too neat. Would love to get one of these. I am so inspired by you to create these masks and experiment more.

sgc said...

Another fantastic Man card! I love the image--and the rope is perfect on this card.

Jen said...

I can't decided which one I like more...but it doesn't matter because I get one of each..=). Love this image!

Chris said...

this is awesome!! love the image!