Sunday, March 7, 2010

Man Card # 2--Thinking of You

Okay, here is man card # 2. This is a very old SU set called Prehistoric Paintings, which I absolutely LOVE. It makes great man cards. Another good technique to use on man cards is bleaching. Here I used bleach on a couple of the BG stamps in the set on the black layer. In case some of you have never tried this technique, here is what you do (most of this is pretty obvious, but humor me):

1. Work in a well ventilated area. (Duh!) I usually do this outside.
2. Protect your clothes and work surface. (Again with the Duh!)
3. Take a paper towel or 2 and fold to make a pad. Put on a paper plate and pour on some bleach. This is your "stamp pad".
4. Tap stamp on pad and apply to CS. Allow to dry.
5. Clean stamps thoroughly!!! (Once more, with feeling, DUH!)

You will want to experiment with different colors of CS. Bleach gives different effects on diff. colors of CS (Navy turns pink for example). Also, the fresher the bleach, the stronger it is and the more bleached your CS will look. The wetter the bleach pad is, the less defined your image will look. You may want to "stamp off" on scrap paper. AND, I have never done this with clear stamps, nor seen it done. My gut tells me it would ruin them. If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know.

Tearing is another good technique for man cards, as is distressing. And metallic embellishments are good for men as well. What I really wanted was some arrowhead type charms for this card but HL and Mikes didn't have any, and I didn't feel like going looking for bead stores. The card base on this is Gina K, and it is textured like leather--another manly detail. I highly recommend it. Ink is Close to Cocoa and Palette Noir. Sent. is from a retired SU set called Little Hellos.

Hope you enjoyed this card! I have to make 2 cards for the "little man" category, and then they will get mailed off to the amazing cupojafa! Thanks for looking!
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Becca said...

Well, Blogger messed up when I was leaving a comment. So I'm hoping it doesn't come back and post twice now. This is an awesome card, I can see why you like making man cards. Because you are good at it! I haven't tried the bleach technique, because I worry that I would mess up on one of the "duh!" steps. But I am loving the look of it, so I may get gutsy someday. We'll see!

sgc said...

I LOVE this card! I think man cards are difficult to do, but you sure did rock this one!

Banu said...

Amy, this card is just superb. As Rebecca said you are just awesome at creating these "MAN" Cards. You make it look so simple also. :D I have not given the bleach stamping a try yet. Awesome card.

Jen said...

This ROCKS! I love it! You really know how to whip up some man cards!

Chris said...

this is so great!! love the bleaching, you def have no problem with the man cards!!