Thursday, April 8, 2010

"New" SU Colors

Well, Stampin' Up! is getting rid of 29 colors! Out of 48. But they are bringing back some of the In Colors. Our club meets this Sunday, and I have to make cards for my fellow stamp club members. So I thought I would use some of the In Colors that have made it onto the new list. Here I've chosen Pink Pirouette, River Rock, and Soft Suede. I used the Very Vintage wheel in Soft Suede ink on the pink panel. On the River Rock panel I wheeled the Texture wheel, first in RR, and when that was just a little too subtle I followed up with just a hint of SS. Butterflies are made using the SU Embosslits die (how I love that thing!) I cut them out of PP and used direct-to-paper with SS ink to highlight the embossed portions. I stamped the label in SS on PP and added a little chalk to that and the butterfly on the vintage piece. Border is SU, ribbon is SS dotted grosgrain. I'm pleased with how this turned out. Hope you like it too!


Banu said...

Amy beautiful card. WOW..I love love River Rock and it is great to see it in your card. Awesome. I loved the new blog look as well.. :D

Chris said...

this is very pretty! love the butterflies!

Angela said...

This has a nice shabby-chic feel to it; love it!

Jen said...

First of all your card is stunning! Also, I'm so happy Pink Pirouette is comin' back!

Susan said...

This is SO pretty! I love all of your butterflies.

Sara Paschal said...

Great layout and color combo glad to see some of the in colors but I always morn the products leaving.

Becca said...

I loved that pink, but never bought any, knowing it was an In Color. I'm definitely going to get some now that I know it'll be around for a while! You showcased the colors beautifully! I hope the stamp club members loved it!