Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tree Card Swap

This card is for Jen's Tree, Bird, and Recycle swap. She thinks up the most fun themes for these things--I absolutely can't resist her swaps. My problem is reining myself in from signing up for too many spots. Anyway, this card is made with My Favorite Things stamps and digi paper. Tree is paper pieced. It's hard to tell, but the trunk is stamped on woodgrain paper. I printed out the digi paper on regular computer paper, makes for a nice light card. Buttons are from my stash. Card base is Gable Green by SU, ink is Green Galore. Thanks for stopping by, have a great day!


Jen said...

This card has such a whimsical feel! So glad I get to keep one for my stash.
BTW...I just came up with another swap idea...but for now I'm saving it=).

Angela said...

This is so bright and cheery; love it!

Unknown said...

This is really cute, great job;)

Becca said...

I love the little scene you've created here. And the red buttons are the best!

Banu said...

Amy, this turned out just super cute. Very very nice.