Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bird Card Swap

Hi, all, sorry for the blurry pic. This is my entry for the bird portion of Jen's swap. All products are SU, except for the Nestie dies and the paint. I painted the chipboard bird's feet and beak and his wing, and covered the rest of him with (ret. SU) DP. I just love that DP and those little chipboard birds. I used a recent SFYTT from Jen del Muro. Hope everyone likes it, can't wait to see what everyone else came up with. There is no stamping on this card! I know hard to believe right? Card Base is Choc Chip, layers are Summer Sun. I put a white panel on the inside for someone to write on. I used to have a stamp that said "Happy bird-day to you!" which would have been perfect for this card, but I eBayed it. But it would also make a great TY, get well soon, or thinking of you card, so I left it blank. Happy stamping!


Chris said...

this is super cute! i wouldn't have believed that there was no stamping, very cool! love the earthy colors!

Jen said...

Oh this IS cute! The chipboard bird is SU? I might have to find some of those=)

Becca said...

I love that you painted the feet, beak and wing. It definitely gives it that pop!!! And the colors are terrific together.

Angela said...

Darling! That ribbon is da bomb and so perfect for this card!

Banu said...

OMG!! This is sooooo cute....I loved it.....Amazing.