Monday, March 29, 2010

Last Little Man card

Good morning! Here is my final LM card. I love this set (long retired) and this color combo for little boys. Colors are Only Orange, Tempting Turquoise, and Green Galore. Set is Dinomite. This card didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped, but it's pretty cute anyway and good for small boys I think. I left the inside blank because everyone has a happy birthday stamp, and it could be used as a "way to go" type card as is, maybe for conquering a 2-wheeler or potty training or something like that. Hope you like it, got to get Ems on the bus, then to work!


Chris said...

very cute, love this color combo for my boys!! cute images too!

Unknown said...

Love this one also, you have been busy;)

Becca said...

These colors are great!!! I really like how you cut out the dinosaur images, too.

Susan said...

This is too, too cute!! Perfect card for a little man. :)

Jen said...

Okay my computer is all wonky and wouldn't let me leave a comment..anyway..I love this SU set...Super cute card!

Angela said...

These are terrific; "little men" will love them for sure!

Anonymous said...

Hello Guys and Gals
I'm thinking of replacing my worn out[url=][b] Entertainment Center[/b][/url] with a new one from -Has anyone bought [url=][b] Entertainment Centers[/b][/url]from these guys? I'm kind of concerned about shipping timetables

